NZ's largest diesel parts store
Pricing is based on last product sold which may be sold as one off or set there of. Please contact our call centre for an up to date price and inventory.

Earthquip Custom Truck Bins Type 1

Please call us for pricing
NZ +64 9 414 5514  or  0800 60 80 20
FJ +679 866 4053
Body type 1
Aluminum  Look alike body
These are Steel Coreten or bizaloy bodies
Specs come from 4mm sides 5 mm floor to 5mm sides 6mm floor
Can be bought as a kit
Welded unpainted
Fully finished
Mounted on truck
At your option
Our standard bin is 4.8 meters long
2.495 meters wide
1 meter high
Buried underbody hoist or front mount at your option